What Is Spiritual Accompaniment?

Spiritual Accompaniment is the way I describe what is commonly known as Spiritual Direction or Spiritual Companioning. I like the language of accompaniment because it seems the clearest way (to me) to describe the nature of our relationship right off the bat. I am here to accompany you on your life journey, particularly as it relates to living and growing in your relationship with the Holy/God/Loving Presence/Universe/Your Description, throughout your journey.

And so we gather for a time and space set apart devoted to the nurturing of this relationship. One of the sweetest parts is the nature of the time is reflective of the nature of the Loving Presence. The kind of space and time we all need: to stop all other activities, to breathe, to become aware of dwelling in the Presence of Love. A space we can release our tense shoulders, a place of calm, of acceptance, of rest.  A place we can be stilled and quieted enough to hear from within and listen deeply.  A sacred hour where we can come to realize once more we are deeply loved by the Creator of all things.  The Benevolent Energy Force who is always up to good in us, through us, and for us.  Who is delighted we have just shown up to sit together, to prayerfully listen together, and to grow together.  Often it is helpful to have a companion in such a time.  Someone to be in silence, conversation, creativity and prayer with us as we seek to discover and deepen this mysterious relationship with the One, whom many call God.  Being such a companion, is my role.  Engaging in such a time is Spiritual Direction.  

Why Spiritual Accompaniment?
Come, if you are seeking rest and restoration in your life.  Come, if you need a listening ear and compassionate presence. Come, if you desire to deepen or explore your relationship with God, others, or yourself.  Come, if you are struggling in your faith.  Come if you desire to explore or nurture your prayer life.  Come if you need discernment in life decisions.  Come, if you need a companion on your journey.  Come, if you are simply curious.  Come and see how God is desiring to show up for you.

Details Of Our Time Together
I meet with companions for an hour, in-person, by video or by phone, as you prefer, and on a monthly basis.  Together we open ourselves to hearing how God is speaking and moving in your life.  This may come through sharing, sitting in silence, conversation, engaging art, prayer, a reading, a reflective walk, or any number of ways.  If you are at all curious I encourage you to try it out and see if spiritual accompaniment might be what you need at this time.  Spiritual companioning helps you tell your sacred story, or perhaps discover your story’s sacredness for the first time.  Spiritual direction is one of those great mysteries that cannot quite be understood through explanation, but simply needs to be explored, much like God, who is the one gently ushering you to Godself all the time.  When experienced, there is a good chance spiritual accompaniment just might change your life and make all the difference in the world. 

Our journeys vary, as do our budgets, so I offer a sliding scale of  $45-$75/per session. Our first session is free, so feel at liberty to give it a try.  If you have additional questions or concerns please contact me and I would be glad to speak with you further. 

Further Exploration:
Spiritual Director's International 
The Shalem Institute
The Heartbeat Journey

Additional Voices On Spiritual Direction:
"While the spiritual journey is deeply personal, we need not go it alone." - Kimberly Broerman    

'...Another's listening attention might help us stop on the road of life, experience our deepest sadness, hope, fear, and faith, and then, perhaps see God for a moment.' - Susan Phillips

"Through deep and compassionate listening, the Spiritual Director serves as a gentle guide, assisting you to discover the movement of the Holy Spirit, the graces of God, and the wisdom of the Creator." - Florida Ellis