This image has helped me tremendously, particularly for discerning an action to take or in reflection on an experience (whether externally or internally). I was first introduced to the dance of these three mindsets in the form of a Venn diagram some weeks ago — the rational mind and emotional mind intersecting and creating the wise mind. One day, while out for a walk, I looked up and saw it in the sky. I offer it now to you!
The quality of our thoughts varies. If we pause for a moment, attempt to quiet our mind, we can come to notice the quality of thoughts we are thinking. With practice we can pick up on their diversity, maybe even notice a sensation in a particular part of our body linked to the quality of a thought. If we are new to this, it might take some time to learn, it is a practice, even after we have learned it.
If this piques your curiosity, give it a few tries over the next few days and see how it goes. What is it like to function in the rational mind? Emotional mind? Wise mind?
Perhaps take a moment or a few to jot down your experiences. What did you like? Dislike? Feel neutral about? Maybe do some art, or movement, or talk to someone as a way to express your experience. See if this dynamic for identifying your thoughts rings true with your own experience, or what you desire for your life experience.
May you live more and more into what resonates with you and bears the sound of the genuine.